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Council's 2024-2025 Budget was handed down at a Special (Budget) Meeting on Wednesday 19 June 2024.

Jeff Pezzutti Skatepark design survey

What makes a great skate park? Share your ideas to help us develop a new kids and youth activity space at Jeff Pezzutti Park in Woree.

Esplanade Lagoon to close for maintenance

The Cairns Esplanade Lagoon will be closed from Monday 8 July to Monday 5 August to undergo its biennial maintenance program.

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Council statement on recent media coverage

Council statement in response to recent media coverage on the appointment of the interim CEO....

Have your say on Cairns’ future aquatic facilities needs

Residents are being invited to provide their views on the future aquatic facility needs of the Cairns region....

Support for local artists and cultural initiatives

The vibrant arts and cultural scene in Cairns continues to flourish with significant support from the Regional Arts Development Fund....

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