Straguszi Park / Gidigidi Nganyju Park Naming

Sport, recreation & parks
Plans & strategies
Consultation period: 08-Apr-2024 12:00AM until 06-May-2024 12:00AM

We recently received a request to name the new park located off Cutters Boulevard, Salvatore Drive and Draper Road, Gordonvale  – “Straguszi Park / Gidigidi Nganyju  Park”.

The Straguszi Family have farmed and owned the land currently under development for four generations. The land has predominantly been used for sugar cane farming and is now being redeveloped for residential land.

A summary is provided below of the family’s history with the site:

  • After WW1 Italy was gripped by famine and poverty. With no future in sight, Salvatore Straguszi made the life changing decision to migrate to Australia in search of a better life for his wife and child.
  • This meant leaving Italy. In the early 1920’s he boarded a sailing ship and made the harrowing crossing to Australia for a new life in an untamed land. Eventually disembarking in Ingham.
  • It was in Ingham that he started work as a canecutter. Through resilience and hard work, he eventually saved enough to buy his own farm.
  • From Ingham he moved to Gordonvale and purchased a farm on Draper Road.
  • In 1923 Rosario Straguszi was born, and at an early age worked alongside his father and other pioneering families clearing land and felling scrub, battling disease, unfamiliar wildlife and cyclones. It was a total commitment to their farm, you had to produce and cut cane, or you could not feed your family and workers.
  • This commitment came to a halt with the outbreak of WW2 when many Italian farmers were interned, including Rosario’s father in-law, Andrea Messina who also owned a farm on Draper Road. Rosario and his family helped the remaining women and children, working their farms as well as their own.
  • With his expertise in speaking various dialects Rosario also served as an interpreter for the Italian speaking farmers. He was often called upon to negotiate contracts and legal disputes.
  • Rosarios’ progeny - including Ross Straguszi - has retained a connection to the site.
  • Ross Straguszi’s sister – Lynette – lived on the site until her passing, and Ross continues to maintain a direct connection to the site including via ongoing farming operations.

The traditional owners for the area requested that the park be named Gidigidi Nganyju Park, which translates to “kids feeling lively”.

We would like to hear from local residents regarding this proposal by Monday 6 May 2024.  Please email your feedback to

Last Updated: 9 April 2024

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