All dogs bark, but if barking becomes unreasonable it can greatly reduce the quality of life for neighbours and increase neighbourhood tension.

What some people consider excess barking may be acceptable to others. Council has therefore defined nuisance barking in our Local Laws as:

Barking noise that disrupts or inhibits an activity ordinarily carried out on adjoining or nearby residential premises, such as holding a conversation or sleeping.

Council can only take action regarding nuisance barking if it established that the barking noise is unreasonable.

Many dogs bark excessively when their owner is away from home, so it's possible your neighbour is unaware of the problem. Sometimes all it takes to fix nuisance barking is a polite conversation or a note dropped in the letterbox (template letter you can use ( PDF, 0.1 MB )).

Whether you speak with your neighbour or make a formal complaint to Council it's important not to make the situation worse. These actions can have the opposite effect and cause more barking:

  • Yelling at the dog
  • Causing loud noises such as banging pots and pans
  • Hosing the dog over the fence
  • Throwing food or toys over the fence

Tips to help reduce nuisance barking

There are many reasons for nuisance barking, but there are some simple steps you can take to reduce the problem.

It’s important to realise that your dog’s barking has become a habit, and it will take time and consistency to reverse their behaviour.

If these tips don’t work with your pet, you may need to consult a dog trainer, dog behaviourist or your vet to identify why your dog is barking and some other measures you can try.

Last Updated: 28 January 2022

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