Household Emergency Kit

Can you survive five days without electricity and tap water? Your Household Emergency Kit will be your lifeline if a disaster impacts services and supply lines.

Household Emergency Plan

Sound preparation is key to weathering any natural disaster. Use our template to create your own Household Emergency Plan.

Stay informed

There are many ways to get official information from the Cairns Disaster Group before, during and after an emergency.

Trees being whipped by rain and strong winds during cyclone


If a cyclone strikes, your best and most comfortable option is to shelter at home or with friends or family outside the region.

Water inundates beach during storm surge

Storm surge

If a storm surge is expected as part of a cyclone, residents in storm surge areas may be advised to evacuate. Find out if you are in a storm surge zone.

Two Queenslanders surrounded by flood waters


The Cairns region can be subject to flooding due to heavy rainfall. This shouldn't be confused with storm surge associated with a cyclone.

Flood camera image showing the Goldsborough approach to Peets Bridge

Flood cameras

Flood cameras have been installed at Peets Bridge (Goldsborough Valley), throughout the Redlynch Valley, at Ryan Weare Park (Freshwater) and the Moody Creek and McKinnon Creek detention basins to provide accurate information on current flood levels.

Debris from landslip blocks road

Tsunami, fire, landslide, earthquake

Tsunamis, wildfire, earthquakes and landslides can impact the Cairns region so it's important to know if your property is at risk and what you will do.

Water sources

Copperlode Falls Dam Emergency Action Plan

As the Copperlode Falls Dam owner, Council is required under Queensland law to have an Emergency Action Plan (EAP).

Cairns Resilient Businesses Network

Join the Cairns Resilient Business network and be prepared for any disaster.

Disaster Management Unit

Our Disaster Management Unit provides support to the community, the SES and Local Disaster Management Group to respond to disasters.

Disaster in the classroom

Council has created classroom activities, experiments, background information and lesson plans about natural disasters aligned to the Australian Curriculum.

Living With Water

The Living With Water project collects stories of flooding of the Barron River as a way of learning from experience so we can be better prepared for future flooding.

Last Updated: 16 February 2024

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