Council uses flood camera footage to provide an accurate picture of the flood status at various locations in the Cairns Region.

Peets Bridge in the Goldsborough Valley is the only access bridge for people living in the area and so it is crucial that residents can stay informed about evacuation routes.

Freshwater Creek is monitored by a camera at Ryan Weare Park in Freshwater.

The Redlynch Valley is monitored by cameras at Rocks Road, Currunda Creek and Mary Parker Drive.

Cameras have also been installed at the McKinnon Creek and Moody Creek detention basins and low-lying areas that can impact road access in Yorkeys Knob, Machans Beach and Holloways Beach.

You can view these cameras from different angles below. Images are updated every 30 minutes during normal conditions and more frequently during times of potential flooding.

The "flood cam" is part of the Flooded Roads Early Warning System (FREWS) project, which Council is expanding to other flood-prone infrastructure across the Cairns region.

FREWS involves the installation of flood monitoring equipment to provide up-to-date hydrology data and imagery on flood levels. The data is used by Council's Disaster Management Unit and the Local Disaster Management Group to make informed decisions during an emergency or pending emergency.

The project is jointly funded by Cairns Regional Council and The Department of Local Government, Community Recovery and Resilience.

Peets Bridge


Gillies Range Road eastern

Gillies Range Road western

Gauge (flood marker)

Rail bridge

Ryan Weare Park


Flood marker

Flood marker close-up

Western approach

Western sign

McKinnon Creek


Basin overview

Flood marker

Mary Parker Drive



Moody Creek


Flood marker

Inlet pipe

Currunda Creek


Flood marker

Rocks Road



Yorkeys Creek



Dunne Road

Redden Creek

Machans Beach Road east

Machans Beach Road south


Barr Creek

Oleander Street culvert

Oleander Street flood marker

Last Updated: 16 December 2023

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