Household Emergency Kit

Natural disasters can cause extensive damage to services and infrastructure, which may take some time to repair.

The airport, port and major roads may be closed impacting the supply of food, medication, fuel and other essential products; there could be electricity, phone and internet outages; and water and sewerage services may be compromised.

Residents should therefore have a Household Emergency Kit with sufficient supplies for at least five days.

You can prepare your emergency kit at any time, and therefore avoid a last minute rush when disaster strikes. Be sure to check your emergency kit regularly to ensure food is in date, batteries are okay and your cash supply is intact.

  • Battery-powered radio (with spare batteries)
  • Torch (with spare batteries)
  • Candles, lighter and waterproof matches
  • Water in sealed containers - 3 litres per person per day (more if you have pets)
  • Non-perishable food (e.g. dried or cans), can opener and utensils
  • First aid kit and manual
  • Combination pocket knife
  • Portable (gas) stove with fuel
  • Cooking gear
  • Medication
  • Toiletry and sanitary supplies
  • Change of clothes and strong shoes
  • Special needs for infants, the aged and people with disabilities
  • Pet food, water and other animal needs
  • Tent or tarpaulin, and blankets/bed linen
  • Other camping equipment
  • Cash
  • Personal documents (insurance certificate, photographs etc)
  • Strong plastic bags (for clothing and valuables)
  • Emergency phone numbers
  • COVID-19 protection - hand sanitiser, gloves and masks

You can store the main items (eg stove, torch, plastic bags, lighter) in one box, put food in another and clothing in something like a backpack.

Download a Household Emergency Kit list ( PDF, 0.42 MB )

Last Updated: 5 December 2023

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