Household Emergency Kit

Can you survive five days without electricity and tap water? Your Household Emergency Kit will be your lifeline if a disaster impacts services and supply lines.

Household Emergency Plan

Sound preparation is key to weathering any natural disaster. Use our template to create your own Household Emergency Plan.

Stay informed

There are many ways to get official information from the Cairns Disaster Group before, during and after an emergency.

Storm surge is a significant rise in the ocean level, caused by an approaching cyclone. Water can be pushed far inland over an extended period of time, or in strong, destructive waves.

Not all cyclones will generate storm surge.

If storm surge is predicted, people in storm surge areas may be advised to evacuate. The Cairns Disaster Group will keep residents informed through the Cairns Disaster Dashboard, the Cairns Disaster Centre Facebook page, media bulletins, the Cairns Alert emergency messaging system and Emergency Alert.

Information will also come from local media. Please note the ABC is the official broadcaster of emergency information.

Read our Storm Surge Evacuation Guide ( PDF, 6.45 MB )

Know your zone

Storm surge evacuation is advised on the predicted height of the storm surge, known as zones, not by street or suburb. Storm surge can travel a significant distance in land, especially along tidal creeks. It's therefore very important to 'know your zone'.

You can quickly find your zone by entering your address in the search field below.

Please note, in Cairns, evacuation advice is only issued for storm surge, not the wind and rain associated with cyclones. To find out what to do if a cyclone is expected to impact Cairns, visit our cyclone page.

Read our Storm Surge Evacuation Guide ( PDF, 6.45 MB )

Zones explained

Our storm surge evacuation zones use a colour system, with red being the most at risk, followed by orange and yellow. If you are in a white zone, your property is outside the storm surge risk area.

Red zone: for areas up to 2m above AHD*

Orange zone: for areas between 2m and 3m above AHD

Yellow zone: for areas between 3m and 4.5m above AHD

White zone: your property is outside the storm surge risk area.

*Australian Height Datum (AHD) defines ground levels in Australia. The level of 0.0m AHD is approximately sea level.

If you live in a storm surge evacuation zone, it's important to have an evacuation plan (see below), know your evacuation route, and closely monitor emergency announcements for evacuation advice.

Read our Storm Surge Evacuation Guide ( PDF, 6.45 MB )

Storm Surge Search

Enter your home address to find out your storm surge zone

Last Updated: 11 December 2023

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