Local Food Resilience Hub

The Cairns Local Food Resilience Hub is an online resource to help our communities access, grow and manage local food supplies. The Hub contains information for people who need to find food aid or food banks, as well as resources to support communities to become more resilient and self-reliant in the face of disaster and food insecurity.

Cairns and our surrounding regions have plentiful, fresh, local food. But in times of disaster, here and elsewhere, food supply chains can be affected when highways are cut, suburbs are isolated or transport is affected. In Cairns, our supply chains can be long. Even locally-produced food often travels to Brisbane before it’s returned to Cairns for sale. Shortages can last from a few days to months.

Managing and understanding our local food sources helps our communities to become more sustainable, healthy and resilient day-to-day, not just in times of disaster or emergency.

Last Updated: 11 August 2022

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