Sustainability at Council

Reducing our emissions

We expect to meet our 50% scope 1 & 2 emissions reduction target by the end of 2023/24.

At the end of 2021/22, Council had reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 47% on 2007/08 levels.

Our progress so far includes:

  • 30% emissions reduction from landfill gas management
  • 15% emissions reduction from wastewater treatment (reduced fugitive gas emissions)
  • 5% emissions reduction from energy efficiency and solar power.

We are now working on new emissions targets as a part of our updated Climate Change Strategy 2030.

Key Council sustainability actions

Partnerships and advocacy for sustainability

With growing opportunities for investment to deliver positive commercial, social and environmental returns, Council is working to position Cairns and Far North Queensland as a leader of the Smart Green Economy in Australia.

This work is done partnership with a Project Reference Group consisting of stakeholders representing key sectors.

Cities Power Partnership

Council joined this growing coalition of more than 70 local governments (representing over one third of the Australian population) in late 2017.

The Cities Power Partnership is a national program led by the Climate Council to accelerate and celebrate local government successes in achieving emission reductions and transitioning towards clean energy.

Boomerang Alliance Plastic Free Places logo

Plastic Free Places FNQ

Council is a Founding Partner of Plastic Free Places FNQ and encourages the community to support member and champion businesses.

Plastic Free Places FNQ works directly with food retailers - members receive free tailored advice and unique promotional benefits.

Delivered by the Boomerang Alliance, with funding from the Queensland Government, Cairns is the fifth community in the national Plastic Free Places program.

Reef Guardian Council

We joined the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Reef Guardian Program in 2008. As a Reef Guardian Council, we have invested heavily in water quality improvements. Most notably, the $188 million Cleaner Seas upgrade of wastewater treatment plants has improved the quality of wastewater discharge by 80%.

In 2016, the Wet Tropics Healthy Waterways Partnership began pooling decades of scientific data to produce the first annual report card on the health of wet tropic river systems, including the Barron, Mulgrave and Russell Rivers. Council also produced a Litter and Illegal Dumping Action Plan aimed at reducing the impacts of marine debris and has commenced reducing single-use plastics in its operations, events and facilities.

These are just some of the actions contained within Council's latest Reef Guardian Action Plan 2020-24 ( PDF, 1.9 MB ). It aligns education, catchment management and urban water cycle initiatives with the 35 local government actions identified in the Reef 2050 Plan.

Last Updated: 15 March 2024

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