Trees & vegetation on property boundaries

The Cairns region's tropical trees, rainforest and greenery are a defining feature of the region, but can also be a cause of conflict. Disagreements about trees and vegetation crossing property boundaries are a major cause of neighbourhood disputes.

Council's planning scheme contains instruments (overlays) to protect vegetation from inappropriate damage, protect significant trees, and to maintain, protect and enhance the region's biodiversity, ecological values and habitat values. To find out if your property is affected by an overlay, refer to our planning scheme online mapping.

Advice on tree disputes

The Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution (Dividing Fences and Trees) Act 2011 allows residents to resolve neighbourhood disputes more easily. It also encourages residents to be good neighbours and resolve their disputes concerning trees and fences in a friendly and timely manner.

Common disputes include:

  • Trees damaging fences
  • Tree limbs overhanging fences
  • Tree leaf litter falling into gutters
  • Trees shading roof-top solar panels

Council does not have responsibility for enforcing the Act. For more information on dealing with tree disputes, visit the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) website, email QCAT at or telephone 1300 753 228 (weekday business hours).

Talk to your neighbours

In neighbourhood disputes, the best approach is always try to reach an amicable agreement.

Generally, liaising with your neighbour is better than using a third party, however an objective mediator can assist neighbours to reach a mutual agreed solution.

Mediators are available through the Dispute Resolution Centre or the Citizens Advice Bureau. Legal Action should be a last resort as it can be costly and tends to worsen neighbour relations.

Resolving disputes

Every year, thousands of Queenslanders find themselves in the middle of a neighbourhood dispute about a tree or a fence. The Act outlines the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved. Under the Act the proper care and maintenance of a tree will be the responsibility of the tree keeper. The Act provides greater choices for neighbours about trees affecting their property.

The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) has jurisdiction to hear and decide any matter in relation to a tree in which it is alleged that the land is affected by the tree. QCAT provides a single tribunal through which the community can access justice. QCAT provides the community with a more accessible, informal and responsive means of resolving neighbourhood disputes.

The Act does not apply to all trees

The Act does not apply to trees situated on rural land, land that is more than four hectares in size, or land owned by a Local Government that is used as a public park. It also excludes trees planted or maintained for certain purposes such as for commercial purposes or as a condition of a Development Approval.

The application of the tree provisions is limited to urban areas and to cases where the land affected by a tree adjoins the neighbour's property or where the lands are separated by a road.

Further information

If you need further information or assistance, the following agencies may be able to help.

Last Updated: 18 January 2022

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