Dogs can provide great joy and companionship but comes with responsibility. You have a duty to ensure your dog is well cared for and does not negatively affect your neighbours or the community.

Good dog owners:

  • Provide sufficient food and water
  • Desex their dog
  • Provide suitable shelter from the elements
  • Play with their dog daily
  • Complete obedience training and socialise their dog
  • Exercise their dog daily

There are also some legal requirements such as:

  • Registering your dog
  • Renewing your registration each year
  • Microchipping your dog
  • Having an enclosure that prevents dogs from escaping
  • Always walking your dog on a lead (unless in a dog off-leash area)

Dog registration, renewal & change of details

All dogs in Cairns must be registered. You can register your pet online or at our Customer Service Centre. The number of dogs you can keep is based on the size of your property. Body Corporate approval may be required if you are renting.

Lost pets

Missing your furry family friend? These cats and dogs are currently at the pound waiting for their owners.

Dog attacks

Council investigates more than 800 dog attacks each year. If you have been involved in a dog attack, call Council immediately on 1300 69 22 47, any time.

Exercising & socialising your dog

When exercising your pet, make the right choice to protect your pet, yourself and your community.

Barking complaints

How to make a complaint about nuisance barking.

Dangerous & menacing dogs

Dogs that have been involved in serious dog attacks or incidents causing fear can be 'declared' with strict requirements on dog owners.

Getting to know your dog

Find out about dog body language, track down dangerous items in a home and search for bugs that can make you and your pet sick, in these simple games for kids aged 5 to 11.

Last Updated: 11 December 2023

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