Supporting community emissions reduction

As part of its Climate Change Strategy 2030, Cairns Regional Council has committed to support community progress towards Queensland’s emission reduction targets of 30% below 2005 levels by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050.

Council’s Scope 1 and 2 emissions account for less than 2% of the region’s total emissions, with the remaining 98% coming from residential, commercial, and industrial (collectively known as 'community') sources. While Council does not have direct influence over community electricity use (~64% of the region’s emissions) or transport choices (~24% of the region’s emissions), it does play an important role in the delivery of local emissions reduction initiatives that can accelerate the region’s progress towards state and national emissions reduction targets.

Council is supporting community emissions reduction in the following ways:

To find out more about Cairns’ community emissions, head to the Cairns Climate Snapshot.

Last Updated: 16 October 2023

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