
Queensland Government Remnant Vegetation surveys show that close to 68% of the Cairns region is covered by remnant vegetation. With 36 hectares impacted over the last decade, and 113,548 hectares remaining, the proportion of remnant vegetation has remained almost constant since 2013.

The Wet Tropics are a biodiversity hotspot, with more species being discovered in the region each year. Pressures on biodiversity can include land clearing, pollution, domestic animals, vehicle strikes, roads fragmenting habitat connectivity, and climate change. The over 90,000 additional residents projected to join the region in the next 30 years represent further indirect pressures.



Council and landowners have responsibilities regarding regional management of pest plant and animal species. The Cairns Region Biosecurity Plan is the guiding document for managing biosecurity in the region, providing strategic direction for the management of invasive biosecurity matters and priority pests. In 2021/22, Council contributed over 6,400 staff hours to manage pests in the region, including 3,972 hours managing 94 feral pig and wild dog project sites, and a further 2,444 staff hours managing pest plants across 1,221 hectares of land. Council also offers motion sensors and traps for wild cats, wild dogs and feral pigs for loan to the public.


Council works with wildlife experts, carers and staff to address flying-fox management issues in urban areas with the aim of balancing the protection of flying-foxes, the health of roost trees and the amenity of residents.

Re-vegetation of natural areas grant

This grant program provides not-for-profit organisations with funding between $5,000 and $20,000 to undertake on-ground activities to rehabilitate degraded landscapes, protect and improve habitat/biodiversity and improve the climate resilience of the Cairns natural environment.

Last Updated: 12 July 2023

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