Vegetation management on public land

Council manages the largest urban canopy of any Australian City, with tree coverage of 79% of the LGA. Council is responsible for the largest stock of coconut palms maintained and de-nutted by any Australian council. We aim to protect, enhance and restore natural areas while maintaining the biodiversity values of our unique tropical environment.

Council spends significant resources on managing the trees in our parks and foreshores and lining our streets, with over 2,000 Council managed trees in the CBD alone. Council adopted a tree management policy ( PDF, 0.19 MB ) in October 2022, mapping our trees within our parks, foreshores and streets and working within our community to improve our environment through our Green Space Our Place volunteer program.

Our Arborist team are highly qualified, with all staff who assess trees having at least a level 5 certification (diploma level). All other team members are in training to receive a level 5 certification.

Council also strives to balance the city’s environment, people, property and lifestyle through local and the CairnsPlan 2016 and the FNQROC development manual. This is also managed through Council’s Landscaping and Gardens on Council Controlled Land Planting Removal and Maintenance General Policy ( PDF, 0.39 MB ).

Landscaping on Council controlled land

Plants are attractive and can transform the road verge outside your home. They create a unique appeal to your individual property and contribute to the overall beauty of your street and community.

Tree management

Trees are very important to our natural environment, social and economic wellbeing, but can also be a source of conflict. Living in the fast-growing tropics, it's important to know your trees and choose wisely.

TreePlotter database

We're trying to plot all of the street and park trees in the Cairns region. You can help too.

Last Updated: 13 April 2023

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