Our Cairns 2024 survey findings


A total of 10,518 Cairns residents participated in the 2024 Our Cairns survey, which was conducted in July/August 2024. The survey was conducted by independent consultancy, Taverner Research.

The reported results have a margin of error of +/-0.91% at the 95% confidence level. This means that if the survey was repeated 100 times, in 95 times the results will be within 0.91% of true population value. This is a very robust sample and reliable for Council’s planning and reporting.

Demographic profile

To obtain a clear view of the sample’s profile and to conduct comparison tests to the 2016 findings, demographic characteristics were asked. The following table outlines the profile of the 2024 survey respondents:

GenderAgeSuburb Lived in LGA Plan to stay
55% Female
42% Male
3% Other/did not specify
17% aged 15-34 years
21% aged 35-44 years
20% aged 45-54 years
20% aged 55-64 years
20% aged 65+
7% Redlynch
6% Edmonton
5% Mount Sheridan
5% Smithfield
5% Trinity Beach
5% Bentley Park
4% Kewarra Beach
4% Mooroobool
4% Brinsmead
4% Gordonvale
18% up to 5 years
14% 6-10 years
23% 11-20 years
45% more than 20 years
1% don't know/did not specify
7% up to 5 years
9% 6-10 years
15% 11-20 years
53% more than 20 years
16% don't know/did not specify


The following graphs give a snapshot of findings for the key topical questions.  You can explore the summarised findings for each question further below, or download the report ( PDF, 1.5 MB ).



48% of respondents were supportive of adding fluoride to the local water, with 37% opposed. These ratios are virtually unchanged on 2016 results (47% supportive, 39% opposed).

Extra green bin

Extra green bin

Of the 60% of respondents in favour of an additional green bin, 41% were not prepared to pay extra for it. This was a significant increase from 2016, when 26% of those in favour were unwilling to pay extra.

Environmental Levy

Environmental Levy

Only one in four respondents supported the introduction of an environmental levy, while 56% were opposed – 41% strongly

Effectiveness of CitySafe patrols

Effectiveness of CitySafe patrols

43% or respondents felt they were not effective, against 32% effective (and the balance unsure).

Higher rates for short term accommodation

Higher rates for short term accommodation

51% of respondents were against higher council rates for short term accommodation providers, 49% were in favour of the idea.

Higher Council rates for land banking

Higher Council rates for land banking

42% of respondents were against higher council rates for underutilised land in already developed areas, 41% were in favour

Explore the findings

Browse the table below to see the findings for each question, or search for a specific question key word or topic.

Click on the graphs to see a larger view.

On a scale of 0-10, how would you rate Cairns in the following areas?

When the 0-10 scale were expressed as mean (i.e. average) scores, Cairns was rated:

  • 7.88 out of 10 as a place to visit
  • 7.21 as a place to live
  • 5.37 as a place to operate a business

How would you rate Cairns? Our Cairns Survey Results

What are the three things most important to you to ensure our region meets the needs of the community now and into the future?

  • 49% of respondents rated Liveability as one of their three most important themes (compared to 37% in 2016)
  • 41% rated Health care a priority
  • 37% rated Environmment as a priority (on par with 38% in 2016)

Things most important to you - Graph from Our Cairns Survey Results

A diversified economy is important for our region. Which industries in Cairns would you like to see prioritised for stimulus and development?

  • 43% Healthcare and social assistance
  • 40% Tourism
  • 32% Education and training
  • 31% Food production
  • 26% Renewable energy
  • 25% Manufacturing

Preferred development areas - Graph from our Cairns Survey Results

What is your overall satisfaction with the performance of Cairns Regional Council?

On a 1-5 scale, the performance of Council recorded a mean of 3.14.

What is your overall satisfaction with the performance of Cairns Regional Council? - Our Cairns Survey Results

Overall, how would you rate your interactions with Council?

On a 1-5 scale, interactions with Council recorded a mean of 3.29

Overall, how would you rate your interactions with Council? - Our Cairns Survey Results

Overall, how would you rate the performance of Councillors?

On a 1-5 scale, the performance of Councillors recorded a mean of 3.01.

Overall, how would you rate the performance of Councillors? - Our Cairns Survey Results

What is your preferred way to receive information about Council’s activities, decisions, or community engagement opportunities?

Online channels were significantly more popular than traditional media:

  • 50% via Facebook (up from 36% in 2016)
  • 41% via Council's website (up from 32% in 2016)
  • 32% through enewsletters (down from 37% in 2016)
  • 29% via the MyCairns app (did not exist in 2016)
  • 26% by television (down from 35% in 2016)
  • 24% by radio (down from 26% in 2016)
  • 16% by newspaper (down from 43% in 2016)

Preferred way of communication - Our Cairns Survey Results

How often would you like to hear from Council?

  • 46% when Council has something important to say
  • 29% monthly
  • 15% weekly
  • 8% will seek out information themselves
  • 1% daily
  • 1% never

How often you want to hear from Council - Our Cairns Survey Results

Do you support or oppose the addition of fluoride to the city's water supply?

  • 48% of respondents either Strongly support or Somewhat support (same as 2016), comprising:
    • 35% Strongly support (down from 39% in 2016)
    • 13% Somewhat support (up from 9% in 2016)
  • 37% of respondents either Strongly oppose or Somewhat oppose (down from 39% in 2016), comprising:
    • 31% Strongly oppose (down from 35% in 2016)
    • 6% Somewhat oppose (up from 4% in 2016)
  • 15% of respondents were neutral or unsure (on par with 14% in 2016)

Do you support adding fluoride to the water - Our Cairns Survey Results

Fluoridated Water – Reasons for score

Should Council increase rates on landowners who hold onto undeveloped or underutilised land in already developed areas without making improvements?

  • 41% Yes
  • 42% No
  • 17% Unsure

Should Council increase rates on landowners who hold onto undeveloped or underutilised land in already developed areas without making improvements? - Our Cairns Survey Results

Should Council charge more to Short Term Accommodation providers such as AirBnBs to help mitigate the housing crisis?

  • 49% Yes
  • 51% No

Should Council charge more to Short Term Accommodation providers such as AirBnBs to help mitigate the housing crisis? - Our Cairns Survey Results

Should the Esplanade dining precinct become a shared zone for all vehicles with a daily (7-day) closure from 11am to 11pm, to restrict traffic movements during high pedestrian and dining periods while allowing access for service vehicles?

  • 50% Yes
  • 35% No
  • 15% Unsure

Should the Esplanade dining precinct become a shared zone for all vehicles with a daily (7-day) closure from 11am to 11pm, to restrict traffic movements during high pedestrian and dining periods while allowing access for service vehicles? - Our Cairns Survey Results

Would you like an additional bin for green waste?

  • 60% Yes (compared to 67% in 2016)
  • 33% No
  • 7% Unsure

Should Council charge higher rates to short term accommodation providers? - Our Cairns Survey Results

How much more would you be willing to pay per annum to have an additional bin for green waste?

  • $43 was the mean amount people were prepared to pay (down from $51 in 2016)
  • 41% of people responded $0 (up from 26% in 2016)

How much would you be willing to pay for an organic waste bin? -  Our Cairns Survey Results

What would influence or motivate you to reduce your water usage in and around your home and garden?

  • 36% of respondents would be most motivated to reduce water usage via financial incentives.
  • 28% would be motivated by easier ways to manage their water use through technology
  • 17% would be influenced by knowing more about what short-term actions they can take around the house
  • 13% would be influenced by having a better understanding of the environmental impacts today and in the future
  • 10% supported shorter allowable watering times for outdoor water use
  • 24% would not restrict their water usage

What would motivate you to reduce water use - Our Cairns Survey Results

To what extent do the following activities enhance liveability/your quality of life in Cairns?

Respondents were asked to what extent they valued a range of 18 different activities. Responses are sorted from highest to lowest mean scores (with “I do not do this” = 0, and “Enhances my life greatly” = 4).

  • 3.21 Spending time in public parks and natural areas
  • 3.13 Using tracks and shared footpaths for walking/exercising
  • 2.89 Going to patrolled beaches and natural waterways
  • 2.83 Going to local markets
  • 2.70 The sense of community in my neighbourhood
  • 2.67 Access to public toilets
  • 2.35 Attending arts and cultural events
  • 1.96 Visiting a library
  • 1.93 Vibrant nightlife
  • 1.89 Attending sporting events
  • 1.72 Fishing and boating
  • 1.66 Swimming in public pools
  • 1.58 Going to a playground
  • 1.50 Participating in volunteer work
  • 1.47 Participating in community sports
  • 1.44 Going to dog parks
  • 1.41 Mountain biking or cycling
  • 0.89 Using skateparks, pump tracks and BMX tracks

Our Cairns Survey Results

How do you rate the following activities?

Respondents were asked to rate the same set of 18 different activities. Responses were also calculated as a mean (with “I do not do this” = 0 and “Exceeds my expectations” = 5).

  • 3.16 Spending time in public parks and natural areas
  • 2.98 Going to local markets
  • 2.97 Using tracks and shared footpaths for walking/exercising
  • 2.94 Going to patrolled beaches and natural waterways
  • 2.48 Sense of community in my neighbourhood
  • 2.41 Access to public toilets
  • 2.37 Attending arts and cultural events
  • 2.23 Attending a library
  • 1.93 Vibrant nightlife
  • 1.81 Attending sporting events
  • 1.78 Swimming in public pools
  • 1.69 FIshing and boating
  • 1.59 Participating in volunteer work
  • 1.55 Going to a playground
  • 1.44 Participating in community sports
  • 1.43 going to dog parks
  • 1.37 mountain biking or cycling
  • 0.89 using skateparks, pump tracks and BMX tracks

How do your rate these activities? - Our Cairns Survey Results

In relation to local arts and culture, please tell us which of these (up to four factors) are the most valuable or important to you.

More than half of respondents felt that creative activities should be an important part of learning. That and the second-highest response (making for a richer and more meaningful life) show how arts play an important role in quality of life.

  • 56% Creative activities should be an important part of learning
  • 44% Arts and creative experiences make for a richer and more meaningful life
  • 35% Arts and creative experiences help us understand perspectives that are different to our own
  • 34% Artists make an important contribution to society
  • 33% Understanding our heritage
  • 32% First Nations stories and culture are important to preserve history and heritage
  • 26% Artists should have freedom of expression
  • 26% Arts and creative experiences allow me to connect with others
  • 19% There are plenty of opportunities for me to get involved in arts and creative experiences
  • 16% Arts and creative experiences are not really for people like me

How do you rate these factors in relation to arts and culture? - Our Cairns Survey Results

How satisfied are you with efforts being made by Council in your community to:

The majority of residents – in fact between 69% and 74% for all statements – were satisfied with Council’s efforts. Dissatisfaction sat at 18% to 23% across the four statements. Responses were converted into mean scores (excluding “Unsure”), with all statements scoring above the “neutral” rating of 3.0.

  • 3.22 Protect and conserve the natural environment
  • 3.21 Provide a socially inclusive environment
  • 3.20 Provide a liveable urban environment
  • 3.13 Protect character (eg older) places and buildings

How satisfied are you with Council's efforts in these areas? - Our Cairns Survey Results

How aware are you of the current environmental challenges facing Cairns? (e.g. climate change, pollution, biodiversity loss)?

  • 13% Extremely aware
  • 27% Very aware
  • 36% Moderately aware
  • 16% Slightly aware
  • 8% Not aware

How aware are you of the current environmental challenges facing Cairns? (e.g. climate change, pollution, biodiversity loss)? - Our Cairns Survey Results

Would you support the introduction of an environmental levy to fund local environmental projects and initiatives?

  • 7% Strongly support
  • 17% Somewhat support
  • 20% Neutral
  • 15% Somewhat oppose
  • 41% Strongly oppose

Would you support the introduction of an environmental levy to fund local environmental projects and initiatives? - Our Cairns Survey Results

If an environmental levy were introduced, how much extra would you be willing to pay per annum to support local environmental projects?

  • Using mid-points, the average for all respondents was just under $16.
  • Excluding those 53% saying “nothing”, the mean for the remainder (again using mid-points) was $34.

If an environmental levy were introduced, how much extra would you be willing to pay per annum to support local environmental projects? - Our Cairns Survey Results

If an environmental levy is implemented, which of the following areas do you think should be prioritised for funding?

  • 58% Waste management and recycling initiatives
  • 49% Greening of the city and the suburbs
  • 39% Renewable energy projects
  • 36% Conservation and biodiversity protection
  • 31% Pollution reduction programs
  • 19% Community education on sustainability
  • 13% Other

If an environmental levy is implemented, which of the following areas do you think should be prioritised for funding? - Our Cairns Survey Results

How supportive are you of residential development in your suburb to accommodate population and economic growth in Cairns?

44% were supportive vs 27% against, comprising:

  • 29% Support
  • 15% Strongly support
  • 29% Neutral/unsure
  • 14% Against
  • 13% Strongly against

How supportive are you of residential development in your suburb to accommodate population and economic growth in Cairns? - Our Cairns Survey Results

Rate your agreement/disagreement with the following statements about housing density:

Respondents agreement/disagreement was converted to mean scores (with “Strongly disagree” = 0 and “Strongly agree” = 5). These are ranked from highest to lowest mean score.

  • 4.33 Higher density housing should respect the tropical character and streetscapes of the surrounding suburbs and feature tropical design elements including balconies, wide eaves, landscaping and lush foliage
  • 3.82 It is important to me to have a large backyard
  • 3.79 Higher density housing should occur where it is close to shops, work, recreation areas and other services and facilities
  • 3.67 Rural land should be protected for agriculture (e.g. sugar cane) and not be developed into residential estates
  • 3.42 All suburbs should feature a mix of housing options including smaller residential lots, houses, apartments, townhouses and duplexes
  • 3.35 There is a need to provide higher density housing beyond the CBD (e.g. Smithfield, Edmonton) to reduce the pressure on suburban areas
  • 3.10 Higher density housing in suburbs will create more affordable housing options
  • 2.93 I would like to see higher density housing built in existing urban and suburban areas

Rate your agreement/disagreement with the following statements about housing density: - Our Cairns Survey Results

What type of major events do you think Cairns would MOST benefit from having more of?

  • 57% Music events
  • 52% Festivals
  • 47% Sporting events spectator (e.g., Crankworx, AFL, NRL, Cricket)
  • 37% Sporting events participation (e.g., Ironman, Seven Marathon)
  • 30% High profile film and TV (filming and production)
  • 21% Arts events
  • 12% First Nations events
  • 6% None - I don’t think Cairns would benefit from more major events

Which major events do you think Cairns would most benefit from? - Our Cairns Survey Results

How effective do you think Council’s CitySafe security patrols are in reducing anti-social behaviour in the CBD?

  • 26% Not effective
  • 17% Somewhat ineffective
  • 27% Somewhat effective
  • 5% Very effective
  • 24% Not sure

How effective do you think Council’s CitySafe security patrols are in reducing anti-social behaviour in the CBD? - Our Cairns Survey Results

Does the introduction of Council’s Public Space Safety Patrols make you feel safer in your neighbourhood?

  • 13% Yes
  • 33% No
  • 13% Not sure
  • 41% Not aware this was happening

Does the introduction of Council’s Public Space Safety Patrols make you feel safer in your neighbourhood? - Our Cairns Survey Results

Do you know your storm tide zone?

  • 79% Yes
  • 21% No

Do you know your storm tide zone? - Our Cairns Survey Results

Do you know your flood zone?

  • 85% Yes
  • 15% No

Do you know your flood zone? - Our Cairns Survey Results

Do you have a disaster emergency kit at home?

  • 66% Yes
  • 34% No

Do you have a disaster emergency kit at home? - Our Cairns Survey Results

Given the recent Tropical Cyclone Jasper and flood events, is there anything that you would do differently next time in an emergency situation? (e.g. purchasing equipment, pre-storm preparation, evacuation plans)

This was an open-ended question. The most common responses are presented below:

  • 48% Nothing
  • 15% I was/am prepared
  • 13% Have back-up power available
  • 10% Emergency kit and equipment
  • 8% Better warning system and communication
  • 8% More storm and flood preparation
  • 6% Improve Council response and management
  • 5% Better emergency evacuation plans
  • 5% Better flood mitigation and town planning
  • 5% Prepare more food and drinking water
  • 4% Community help and communication
  • 3% Was not affected

What would you do differently in the next disaster situation? - Our Cairns Survey Results

Which complex question would you most like Cairns to tackle?

Note: This question was asked in 2016, however respondents were not limited to one response, and so it is not comparable to 2024.

  • 30% How can we future proof our economy and protect it from shocks to tourism?
  • 23% How do we preserve our agricultural lands for the future while providing housing?
  • 13% How do we keep our young people and best talent in Cairns Regional Council?
  • 11% How do we compete on the global market while keeping our local lifestyle?
  • 11% What do we need to do to be an innovative region that makes the most of changing technology?
  • 11% How do we make the most of renewable energy resources?

Which complex question would you like Council to tackle next? - Our Cairns Survey Restults

Last Updated: 16 October 2024

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