Public Art on the Esplanade

There are many public artworks along the length of the Esplanade, including the iconic Woven Fish in the Lagoon and nearby Citizens Gateway to the Great Barrier Reef.

For more detailed information on the Esplanade public art, visit Cairns Art & Culture Map

The Woven Fish

The Woven Fish

Created for the Esplanade redevelopment in 2003, Brian Robinson inadvertently created the visual theme of the Cairns Esplanade.

The Herd

The Herd

The Herd, by Hew Chee Fong and Loretta Noonan, is said to resemble a herd heading out to sea.

Citizens Gateway to the Great Barrier Reef

Citizens Gateway to the Great Barrier Reef

Citizens Gateway to the Great Barrier Reef was created by artist Brian Robinson. The 6 metre-high and 11 metre-wide helix depicts a wave of marine creatures and birds led by a life-sized stingray to reflect the biodiversity of the Great Barrier Reef.



Telescopus, by Dominic Johns, is a three-dimensional sculptural work which references the mangrove mud whelk that is common to the inter-tidal mudflats.

Windblown Leaves

Windblown Leaves

Windblown Leaves by Roland Nancarrow is a sculpture with a resilient 'new leaf' standing erect from windblown leaves at the base.



The artists were members of the Work for the Dole scheme under the tuition of Dominic Johns. The artworks are abstract Far North butterflies.

Seasonal Lines

Seasonal Lines

Seasonal Lines, by Peter Thompson, is a horizontal coloured line constructed of tiles inlaid into architectural and landscape forms.

Horizon Line

Horizon Line

Horizon Line by Kevin Mayo is two large stainless steel sculptures in the shape of a boat standing on end, with human figures cut-out within the boat shape.

Brass Plaques

Brass Plaques

Brian Robinson's brass plaques are set into the wall along the Lagoon Harbour Walk. The designs and motifs used are a part of Oceania.

Migration North

Migration North

Brian Robinson's Cairns Esplanade sign totems are an entrance statement located at the northern end of the Cairns Esplanade.



Penates, by Clive Murray-White, a portrait of an inconsistent idealist, is a large marble sculpture located in Little Fogarty Park.

Mother and Child

Mother and Child

Mother and Child provides a modern twist to this classic motif. This artwork was donated to the people of Cairns by the Lions Association in celebration of their 100th anniversary.

Last Updated: 5 October 2021

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