General information

Address: 38 Abbott Street, Cairns City

Opening hours
Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 4pm
Monday and Sunday: closed

Phone Number: 07 4032 6620
Email Address:

Gallery closures & extended trading hours

Court House Gallery is closed during exhibition changeovers and for some public holidays. We try to keep disruptions minimal but times are subject to minor changes. We recommend checking on our website or social media around changeovers in case there are any unforeseen delays.

We have extended trading hours for our live music series and exhibition launches.

Accessibility at Court House Gallery

Accessibility information for the Court House Gallery in Cairns.

Arts residencies

Apply for a Multi-Arts Residency at one of the premier arts venues run by Cairns Regional Council. Accommodation also available.


The Court House Gallery is part of an arts complex that also includes the Cairns Art Gallery. This two-acre site has been reserved since 1876 for public purposes, and both buildings were erected between the First and Second World Wars.

Holding exhibitions or events at Court House Gallery

Register an expression of interest to hold an event or exhibition at the Court House gallery.

CIAF fashion

Past Exhibitions Court House Gallery

Browse our list of previous exhibitions that have taken place at Court House Gallery.

Up-lighting request for Court House Gallery

Applications are welcome to request the up-lighting of the front facade of Court House Gallery to acknowledge a significant nationally or state event, or an awareness campaign.

Last Updated: 24 May 2024

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