BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Cairns Regional Council//Whats On//EN VERSION:2.0 X-WR-TIMEZONE:Australia/Brisbane BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTART:20241106T173000 DTEND:20241106T183000 SUMMARY:Aqua Zumba DESCRIPTION: Splash your way into shape with an invigorating low-impact aquatic exercise. Known as the Zumba® "pool party", the Aqua Zumba program gives new meaning to the idea of a refreshing workout. Integrating the Zumba philosophy with traditional aquatic fitness disciplines, Aqua Zumba® blends it all together into workout that's cardio-conditioning, body-toning, and most of all, exhilarating beyond belief.\n LOCATION:{event_metadata_event.location} TYPE:Fitness URL: PRIORITY:3 TRANSP:OPAQUE X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS:TENTATIVE BEGIN:VALARM ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Splash your way into shape with an invigorating low-impact aquatic exercise. Known as the Zumba® "pool party", the Aqua Zumba program gives new meaning to the idea of a refreshing workout. Integrating the Zumba philosophy with traditional aquatic fitness disciplines, Aqua Zumba® blends it all together into workout that's cardio-conditioning, body-toning, and most of all, exhilarating beyond belief.\n TRIGGER:-P1D END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR

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