BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Cairns Regional Council//Whats On//EN VERSION:2.0 X-WR-TIMEZONE:Australia/Brisbane BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTART:20240601T180000 DTEND:20240601T210000 SUMMARY:Out On The Lawn Blues: Aurelle Brunjes Band + Mississippi Shakedown + Clifford de Silva DESCRIPTION: Feel the rhythm, feel the blues! Join us for an unforgettable night of foot-stomping, heart-pounding and soulful tunes under starlit skies.Aurelle Brunjes BandFar North Queensland’s own Aurelle Brunjes brings you an eclectic mix of music that sways between folk, country and indie rock. Making her rounds through the music circuit of Queensland, and supporting renowned acts including Ash Grunwald, 8 Ball Aitken and Adam Eckersley, Aurelle and band will have you on your feet and dancing.Mississippi ShakedownIf you don’t like DIRT you won’t like Mississippi Shakedown. We’re not talking about the kind of dirt you see hanging around a building, we’re talking about the dirt that comes from a guitar amplifier that’s been turned up WAY too loud for your grandmother. The kind of old distortion you’ don’t hear much of these days – no $29 guitar distortion pedal used here folks, it’s REAL distortion coming from an OLD Amplifier.Clifford de SilvaInfluenced by a wide variety of genres, including blues, folk, rock, pop, ambient, world, and psychedelic music, Clifford de Silva is a self-taught musician without convention. He incorporates an arsenal of acoustic instruments such as guitar, weissenborn, dobro, Appalachian dulcimer, banjo, and foot percussion in conjunction with ethereal electronic effects.From swampy blues to heartfelt ballads and meandering instrumental soundscapes, Clifford’s mesmerizing improvisational skills always enthral while keeping his audience wondering what could possibly be coming next.Out On The LawnRSVP on Facebook\n LOCATION:{event_metadata_event.location} TYPE:Music & Theatre URL: PRIORITY:3 TRANSP:OPAQUE X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS:TENTATIVE BEGIN:VALARM ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Feel the rhythm, feel the blues! Join us for an unforgettable night of foot-stomping, heart-pounding and soulful tunes under starlit skies.Aurelle Brunjes BandFar North Queensland’s own Aurelle Brunjes brings you an eclectic mix of music that sways between folk, country and indie rock. Making her rounds through the music circuit of Queensland, and supporting renowned acts including Ash Grunwald, 8 Ball Aitken and Adam Eckersley, Aurelle and band will have you on your feet and dancing.Mississippi ShakedownIf you don’t like DIRT you won’t like Mississippi Shakedown. We’re not talking about the kind of dirt you see hanging around a building, we’re talking about the dirt that comes from a guitar amplifier that’s been turned up WAY too loud for your grandmother. The kind of old distortion you’ don’t hear much of these days – no $29 guitar distortion pedal used here folks, it’s REAL distortion coming from an OLD Amplifier.Clifford de SilvaInfluenced by a wide variety of genres, including blues, folk, rock, pop, ambient, world, and psychedelic music, Clifford de Silva is a self-taught musician without convention. He incorporates an arsenal of acoustic instruments such as guitar, weissenborn, dobro, Appalachian dulcimer, banjo, and foot percussion in conjunction with ethereal electronic effects.From swampy blues to heartfelt ballads and meandering instrumental soundscapes, Clifford’s mesmerizing improvisational skills always enthral while keeping his audience wondering what could possibly be coming next.Out On The LawnRSVP on Facebook\n TRIGGER:-P1D END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR

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