BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Cairns Regional Council//Whats On//EN VERSION:2.0 X-WR-TIMEZONE:Australia/Brisbane BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTART:20240628T180000 DTEND:20240628T210000 SUMMARY:Out On The Lawn Country: Brad Butcher + Anais Campbell Band + Ben Wilson DESCRIPTION: Saddle up for twangy toe-tapping tunes, heartfelt storytelling and the authentic spirit of country and folky bliss out on the Court House Gallery lawn.Brad Butcher, East of Everything album tourPrepare to embark on a musical journey as Brad Butcher delves into uncharted territories with his latest body of work, East Of Everything. This album effortlessly blends elements of country, folk, and Americana, encapsulating Butcher's diverse musical palette. It's a true testament to his artistic evolution, as he effortlessly intertwines tales of resilience, personal growth, and unbridled joy from the past five years of his life. As Brad eloquently puts it, "Each album is a time capsule of life during the writing process, and East Of Everything perfectly captures the essence of my world."East of Everything is bursting with quality including crowd favourites "Cutting Peoples Grass”, “Get A Grip" featuring Australia’s favourite son, Diesel, “Out Our Hands”, the top 10 radio hit "Ain't Love Grand" plus “People Get Old” the duet with Busby Marou a standout track making this album undeniably a landmark for Butcher.Anais CampbellHoning her performing experience playing at Music Festivals across Australia, Anais engages her audiences with her heart-felt ballads, soulful vocals and an intimate stage presence. Her unique sound is filled with beautiful tonalities and captivating creative choices.Anais' talent has been recognised both at home and abroad with people in the industry describing her as an artist who not only has a smooth and powerful voice, but writes her own songs, plays piano and guitar and 'sounds like no one else'.You will be left wanting more with Anais' mesmerising presence, stunning vocals and energetic interaction.Ben WilsonBen Wilson is an award-winning singer-songwriter. Originally from Brighton, UK, Wilson put down roots in Lismore NSW from 2011 where he honed his craft performing with old timey Aussie folk group The Button Collective. Now performing solo, Wilson’s gripping live shows explore both traditional and original tunes. Finger-style guitar, claw-hammer banjo and blues harmonica accompany Wilson’s cutting voice.Out On The LawnRSVP on Facebook\n LOCATION:{event_metadata_event.location} TYPE:Music & Theatre URL: PRIORITY:3 TRANSP:OPAQUE X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS:TENTATIVE BEGIN:VALARM ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Saddle up for twangy toe-tapping tunes, heartfelt storytelling and the authentic spirit of country and folky bliss out on the Court House Gallery lawn.Brad Butcher, East of Everything album tourPrepare to embark on a musical journey as Brad Butcher delves into uncharted territories with his latest body of work, East Of Everything. This album effortlessly blends elements of country, folk, and Americana, encapsulating Butcher's diverse musical palette. It's a true testament to his artistic evolution, as he effortlessly intertwines tales of resilience, personal growth, and unbridled joy from the past five years of his life. As Brad eloquently puts it, "Each album is a time capsule of life during the writing process, and East Of Everything perfectly captures the essence of my world."East of Everything is bursting with quality including crowd favourites "Cutting Peoples Grass”, “Get A Grip" featuring Australia’s favourite son, Diesel, “Out Our Hands”, the top 10 radio hit "Ain't Love Grand" plus “People Get Old” the duet with Busby Marou a standout track making this album undeniably a landmark for Butcher.Anais CampbellHoning her performing experience playing at Music Festivals across Australia, Anais engages her audiences with her heart-felt ballads, soulful vocals and an intimate stage presence. Her unique sound is filled with beautiful tonalities and captivating creative choices.Anais' talent has been recognised both at home and abroad with people in the industry describing her as an artist who not only has a smooth and powerful voice, but writes her own songs, plays piano and guitar and 'sounds like no one else'.You will be left wanting more with Anais' mesmerising presence, stunning vocals and energetic interaction.Ben WilsonBen Wilson is an award-winning singer-songwriter. Originally from Brighton, UK, Wilson put down roots in Lismore NSW from 2011 where he honed his craft performing with old timey Aussie folk group The Button Collective. Now performing solo, Wilson’s gripping live shows explore both traditional and original tunes. Finger-style guitar, claw-hammer banjo and blues harmonica accompany Wilson’s cutting voice.Out On The LawnRSVP on Facebook\n TRIGGER:-P1D END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR

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