BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Cairns Regional Council//Whats On//EN VERSION:2.0 X-WR-TIMEZONE:Australia/Brisbane BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTART:20240531T180000 DTEND:20240531T210000 SUMMARY:Out On The Lawn Experimental: Leon Tussie + Tegan Koster + Hoolia DESCRIPTION: Out On The Lawn is fresh, fun, free... and smack bang in the centre of town! Merging local talent with some of the best and most diverse out-of-town talent we have, gather your friends and loved ones to settle in for a night of musical magic.For this session, step into a realm of sonic exploration as these acts push the boundaries of sound and composition. From ethereal electronica to dissonant symphonies, witness a fusion of genres that defy convention.Leon TussieLeon Tussie can be described in two words: versatile and innovative. A drummer and multi-instrumentalist, Leon plays drumkit, kalimba, hang drum, and other percussion from around the world.With 4 solo studio albums under his belt, he is now based in Cairns, teaching drums and doing a solo live looping show.Tegan Koster ProjectTegan Koster occupies a powerful space in the arts music space intersecting between experimental and melodic music contexts. She explores the world of sound art across audio, aural, installation and new media spaces, fusing her knowledge of technologies an musicality in cleverly scored pieces that convey a strong palpable sensibility that is very much her own thing. Her work is bold, cutting-edge and compelling – future-tech oriented, musically exotic and yet possessing an intoxicating appeal that is equally challenging.HooliaPatagonia meets the Far North to get you moved and moving to quirky and heartfelt ballads. Cairns based Argentinian artist Hoolia, sings original songs in English and Spanish, threaded to tell stories of inspiration and empowerment.Accompanied by accomplished guitarist Jeremie Benjamin, Hoolia plays ukulele, guitar and the musical saw, giving a mesmerising liquid atmosphere.Out On The Lawn RSVP on Facebook\n LOCATION:{event_metadata_event.location} TYPE:Music & Theatre URL: PRIORITY:3 TRANSP:OPAQUE X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS:TENTATIVE BEGIN:VALARM ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Out On The Lawn is fresh, fun, free... and smack bang in the centre of town! Merging local talent with some of the best and most diverse out-of-town talent we have, gather your friends and loved ones to settle in for a night of musical magic.For this session, step into a realm of sonic exploration as these acts push the boundaries of sound and composition. From ethereal electronica to dissonant symphonies, witness a fusion of genres that defy convention.Leon TussieLeon Tussie can be described in two words: versatile and innovative. A drummer and multi-instrumentalist, Leon plays drumkit, kalimba, hang drum, and other percussion from around the world.With 4 solo studio albums under his belt, he is now based in Cairns, teaching drums and doing a solo live looping show.Tegan Koster ProjectTegan Koster occupies a powerful space in the arts music space intersecting between experimental and melodic music contexts. She explores the world of sound art across audio, aural, installation and new media spaces, fusing her knowledge of technologies an musicality in cleverly scored pieces that convey a strong palpable sensibility that is very much her own thing. Her work is bold, cutting-edge and compelling – future-tech oriented, musically exotic and yet possessing an intoxicating appeal that is equally challenging.HooliaPatagonia meets the Far North to get you moved and moving to quirky and heartfelt ballads. Cairns based Argentinian artist Hoolia, sings original songs in English and Spanish, threaded to tell stories of inspiration and empowerment.Accompanied by accomplished guitarist Jeremie Benjamin, Hoolia plays ukulele, guitar and the musical saw, giving a mesmerising liquid atmosphere.Out On The Lawn RSVP on Facebook\n TRIGGER:-P1D END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR

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