BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Cairns Regional Council//Whats On//EN VERSION:2.0 X-WR-TIMEZONE:Australia/Brisbane BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTART:20240713T210000 DTEND:20240713T210000 SUMMARY:Out On The Lawn First Nations: Kee’ahn + Yirghilya + Broden Tyrrell DESCRIPTION: Join us for a captivating evening celebrating First Nations music with each artist weaving tales of resilience, heritage and hope through their music.Headlined by Kee’ahnKee’ahn is a First Nations musician from North Queensland, now based in the Eastern Kulin Nation (Melbourne), whose name derives from the Wik word meaning to dance, and to play. Effortlessly blending the sounds of soul, R&B and pop throughout their music, Kee'ahn weaves lush melodies and words reminiscent of heartbreak and healing. Their rich vocals and hopeful yet vulnerable lyrics champion finding strength in our struggles, encouraging us all to reflect, reinvent, and rejoice in all of our own journeys. Kee’ahn honours their name and Ancestors through their soulful music.Broden TyrrellBroden Tyrrell has been a musician from birth.  His upbringing revolved around a musical family whose roots lay deeply in Aboriginal Land. Growing up on Country, soul and Aboriginal rock has shaped his current relationship with music. Passed through his roots, his voice carries depth and resilience. The kind of voice that makes you cry with a burning heart whilst a shy smile sticks to your face. The kind of love Broden has for music helps you see all the love the world has to offer.Broden has spent much of his career in multiple projects touring nationally. Tours with Tiana Khasi, Los Caracoles, In The Element and Izy have shaped a deep connection with people Australia wide.YirgjhilyaYirgjhilya is a proud Wuthathi and Mirning songstress based in Gimuy (Cairns). Her family and culture are her strength. Her story is her own, and her soothing, soulful voice becomes the instrument for raising the collective consciousness. With the revitalization of the Mirning language with only six fluent speakers currently, Yirgjhilya uses her talent to carry on her culture and language for future generations in a modern way.Out On The LawnRSVP on Facebook\n LOCATION:{event_metadata_event.location} TYPE:Music & Theatre URL: PRIORITY:3 TRANSP:OPAQUE X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS:TENTATIVE BEGIN:VALARM ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Join us for a captivating evening celebrating First Nations music with each artist weaving tales of resilience, heritage and hope through their music.Headlined by Kee’ahnKee’ahn is a First Nations musician from North Queensland, now based in the Eastern Kulin Nation (Melbourne), whose name derives from the Wik word meaning to dance, and to play. Effortlessly blending the sounds of soul, R&B and pop throughout their music, Kee'ahn weaves lush melodies and words reminiscent of heartbreak and healing. Their rich vocals and hopeful yet vulnerable lyrics champion finding strength in our struggles, encouraging us all to reflect, reinvent, and rejoice in all of our own journeys. Kee’ahn honours their name and Ancestors through their soulful music.Broden TyrrellBroden Tyrrell has been a musician from birth.  His upbringing revolved around a musical family whose roots lay deeply in Aboriginal Land. Growing up on Country, soul and Aboriginal rock has shaped his current relationship with music. Passed through his roots, his voice carries depth and resilience. The kind of voice that makes you cry with a burning heart whilst a shy smile sticks to your face. The kind of love Broden has for music helps you see all the love the world has to offer.Broden has spent much of his career in multiple projects touring nationally. Tours with Tiana Khasi, Los Caracoles, In The Element and Izy have shaped a deep connection with people Australia wide.YirgjhilyaYirgjhilya is a proud Wuthathi and Mirning songstress based in Gimuy (Cairns). Her family and culture are her strength. Her story is her own, and her soothing, soulful voice becomes the instrument for raising the collective consciousness. With the revitalization of the Mirning language with only six fluent speakers currently, Yirgjhilya uses her talent to carry on her culture and language for future generations in a modern way.Out On The LawnRSVP on Facebook\n TRIGGER:-P1D END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR

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