Business regulations & permits

Council regulates many business activities including food and dining, accommodation, personal services, advertising, commercial filming and busking.

Accommodation venues

Caravan parks, camping grounds, backpacker accommodation and shared facility accommodation venues require a Council permit. Details of how to apply, renew or update a permit.

Advertising devices

Advertising devices in Cairns are regulated by Local Law. You may need a permit from Council before you can install an advertising device.


Busking contributes to the vibrancy of our city while providing opportunities for local and visiting artists. Buskers need to obtain a permit from Council to perform in public places.

Commercial activities on Council land

Permits are required if you want to conduct certain commercial activities on Council land or roads.

Filming & photography

Council approval is required for commercial filming or related activities on public open space, footpaths or roads.

Food safety & licensing

Food business regulations, licensing requirements and food safety guidelines.

Footpath dining

If you operate a food business and would like to use the Council footpath as an outdoor dining area for your patrons, you must apply for a footpath dining permit.

Home based business

A home based business is conducted in a residential dwelling and is operated by the residents. You may need Council approval and conditions can apply.

Personal appearance services

Businesses such as tattooing, body piercing, hairdressing and beauty therapy are considered higher risk services and require permits. Other personal appearance services require operators to follow infection control guidelines.

Temporary entertainment events

Council regulates temporary entertainment events under its Local Laws. Permits are required for certain events.


Touting is not allowed on Council land including footpaths, roadways, public seating areas, Cairns Esplanade, Barlow Park, Cairns Botanic Gardens and other public spaces.

Trade waste

Businesses must manage trade waste correctly. If your business disposes of anything other than domestic sewage into drains, you must apply for a Trade Waste Approval. Refer to the application process outlined below.

Last Updated: 14 December 2023

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