We want Cairns to be known as the arts and culture capital of Northern Australia. We encourage busking as it contributes to a vibrant and lively street culture.  We welcome local, national and international performers who specialise in providing friendly and welcoming entertainment for all ages.

Busking is a person (or group of people) performing within a public place in exchange for a donation. Buskers need a permit to busk and are asked to follow some simple rules to ensure equal opportunities for performers while respecting the people using our public areas.

Council manages busking that occurs in public spaces or places such as the Cairns CBD, parks or markets. Note: we do not manage busking on private property such as shopping centres or restaurants.

Refer to our Best Practice Management Policy for Busking ( PDF, 0.44 MB ) for full details of our busking guidelines and requirements.

Busking is regulated under Council's Local Laws and these guidelines are to be read in conjunction with:

Last Updated: 29 July 2022

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