Planning & Development Service Charter

We are working to provide the best development services in Queensland.  To achieve this, we have developed a Planning & Development Service Charter ( PDF, 0.33 MB ) aimed at implementing a range of strategies to optimise the level of service provided to our community.

Our purpose

We serve the community through shaping the Cairns region, by managing development, infrastructure and services.

We are professionals who specialise in listening to the community and responding by developing strategies and designing the community in which we live, work and play.

Balancing the built and natural environment, community needs, cultural significance, and economic sustainability, we aim to improve the liveability of Cairns and create a vibrant region.

Our operating principles

Our operating principles should be read in conjunction with the whole of Council Service Charter. They provide specific principles relevant to the operation of Council’s planning and development functions.

  • Professional: We have a culture that takes pride in our professionalism and expertise and we expect our industry partners and stakeholders to work with us in a professional, respectful and collaborative manner.
  • Facilitated: We are involved and proactive in the planning and development process to facilitate outcomes appropriate to the circumstance, in the context of our role as a regulator in the planning process.
  • Efficient and effective: We are a team that is dynamic, agile and customer focused. We work to deliver considered and timely outcomes, in a way that is equitable to all our customers in the planning and development process.
  • Consistent: We build trust through consistent decision making.
  • Integrated and forward-looking: We maintain a contemporary policy framework that sets a clear vision for the long-term growth of the Cairns region.

Our strategic initiatives

We have developed a range of key priorities and business planning initiatives aimed at delivering operational improvements across our planning and development functions.

Short term

(targeted for completion in the next 1-3 months)

Read industry alerts Industry Reference Group

Medium term

(targeted for completion in the next 4-12 months)

  • Introduce a Risk Smart process for low-risk development applications
  • Commence the next major amendment to the CairnsPlan 2016
  • Deliver monthly community talk to the planner sessions (as a trial)
  • Review and implement new process for siting variations
  • Review delegations for development assessment matters
  • Review internal referral process for development applications
Long term

(targeted for completion beyond the next 12 months)

  • Investigate an E-Plan technology solution
  • Prepare a Growth Management Strategy to inform the preparation of a new Planning Scheme

We are committed to continuous improvement

Whilst the initiatives outlined above aim to deliver operational improvements at a point in time, we are committed to a culture of ongoing feedback and the sharing of ideas.

If you have feedback about our Planning and Development services, please contact us via email or phone 1300 692 247 during business hours.

Issue resolution process

We acknowledge that sometimes you may not be satisfied with the service or advice you receive from us. If this occurs, we want to be able to effectively and efficiently respond to your concern/s by utilising the issue resolution process outlined below.

Assessing Officer (Planning Officer)

You will be informed of the Assessing Officer after lodgement.

Issues should be raised in the first instance with the Assessing Officer who is the Planning Officer assigned to your application. They are responsible for undertaking a detailed assessment of your proposal and are the best person to initially negotiate any issues. You can be confident that your Assessing Officer will liaise with relevant technical experts, peers and senior management to ensure they are providing accurate advice in accordance with relevant legislative requirements.

Planning Lead

If the issue cannot be resolved in consultation with the Assessing Officer, you may ask for the matter to be referred to the relevant Planning Lead or make contact directly. The Planning Lead is responsible for providing technical support and guidance to the Assessing Officer and, in most cases, will be the contact and decision maker for your application.


  • Planning Lead: Dylan Thomas (, phone 4044 3593)

Most issues should be resolved through consultation with the relevant Assessing Officer and /or Planning Lead. However, if you continue to have concerns, you may request that the matter be referred to the Coordinator. The Coordinator is responsible for managing and resolving complex matters in their team.


  • Coordinator Development Services (Planning): Isabella Kennedy (, phone 4044 3549)
  • Coordinator Development Services (Engineering): James Thorne-Stones (, phone 4044 3930)
Executive Manager

The Executive Manager is responsible for managing and leading staff to achieve the Branch purpose and goals, including achieving Branch performance targets.  If for some reason you are still not satisfied with the proposed resolution of your issue, you may request consultation with the Branch Manager. Our preference is that issue resolution occurs within the Branch rather than further escalation.



The Director is responsible for many diverse functions of a Directorate (department). Generally, their role is to prepare strategic plans achieve the Directorate's purpose and goals, including achieving their performance targets and their response to it through implementation plans for their Directorate's functions. Our preference is that issue resolution occurs within the Branch as they are the experts in their field. However, if for some reason you are still not satisfied, you can request the matter be escalated to the Director for resolution.


  • Director – Ed Johnson (, phone 4044 3526)

Last Updated: 6 June 2024

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