Net Zero Energy Systems

Cairns and Far North Queensland (FNQ) are blessed with ample wind and solar resources, making the region ideal for harnessing renewable energy. Furthermore, the region's agricultural activities generate byproducts that can be effectively used as a source of low-carbon energy.

With manufacturing and research skills and tropical expertise, the region is well-positioned to develop and implement cost-effective and resilient green energy solutions.

  • $4bn - in renewable energy projects planned, committed to or under construction in Cairns and Far North Queensland.
  • 100 businesses - operating in the renewable energy sector providing employment for 700 people and generating $100m/year in turnover.
  • 250 Jobs - near term construction jobs created by the 157-megawatt Kaban wind farm.

Growing capacity

Policies across all levels of government are conducive to scaling investment, enabling many large and small-scale projects in the region to prosper. As the nation transitions towards net zero by 2050, the Australian energy market is expected to switch from high cost, high emission energy to lower cost renewables at a rate of:

  • x9 increase of grid-scale wind and solar
  • x30 increase of battery storage capacity
  • x5 distributed solar PV

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Contact us to learn how you can participate in our Smart Green Economy.