There are a few simple rules we can all follow to make sure that we reduce waste to landfill, ensure our bins are regularly collected and that perfectly good resources aren't wasted. It all starts with lifting the right lid.

Did you know that in Cairns there's just as much recycling being incorrectly placed in our waste bins as is being placed in our recycling? This means perfectly good resources such as aluminium cans, plastic bottles and containers and paper and cardboard are being sent to landfill where they can't be recovered. Wasted resources sent to landfill means increased costs to our region, both economically and environmentally. Keeping recycling out of waste is a great place to start looking after our region, let's also make sure we know what items belong in what bin and how to recycle right.

Let's lift the right lid to ensure we're making the most of our resources and creating a cleaner and greener future for the Cairns region.

Keep recycling out of waste

Did you know that Cairns residents place as much recyclable content in their waste bins as they do in recycling bins? These recyclables end up in landfill. Such a waste! Visit this page to learn more about how you can keep recycling out of waste

Bins out by 6am

How to ensure your waste or recycling bin is collected.

Last Updated: 29 November 2022

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