Residents often have questions when roadworks are taking place in their street. If works are taking place nearby, you might need to park in a different place when crews are onsite, and use caution in the few days following the works.

Cairns Regional Council maintains most roads within the local government area, with the exception of highways. To keep our roads in good condition, our teams and contractors work every day in Cairns suburbs and streets to reseal roads, lay asphalt and rehabilitate pavement.

You can find information and answers to frequently asked questions here.

Frequently asked questions about roadworks

Main types of roadworks

Roadworks on local streets fall into five main categories: reseal, asphalt overlay, surface rejuvenation, pavement rehabilitation and crack sealing.


Why is a road resealed?

  • Renews a road's waterproof surface
  • Restores the road pavement's asset life
  • Renews skid resistance, enhancing safety
  • Most cost-effective method used on the majority of our roads (residential streets)

Resealing normally involves spraying bitumen on the old surface, spreading on coated stones and rolling them in. This is also called spray sealing. Loose stones and soft bitumen can be an annoyance after sealing but this settles gradually over time as the bitumen hardens.

Asphalt overlay

When is asphalt overlay used?

  • Asphalt overlays are only used on very busy roads like roundabouts and intersections.
  • This process is used when the road structure is in a reasonable condition but the surface is very uneven or has been damaged and deformed.

The asphalt overlay process involves laying a hot mix of bitumen aggregate and sand, spreading it then rolling it across the road surface.

Pavement rehabilitation

When is pavement rehabilitation used?

  • Used to treat pavement failure when no other repair methods are suitable.
  • Only carried out after extensive testing as it is the costliest type of road maintenance.

Pavement rehabilitation is an involved process where large machinery digs out the road to the required depth, and the space is filled with gravel and rolled. A bituminous layer is then added to create a new road surface.

Crack sealing

When is crack sealing used?

  • To seal cracks that would otherwise shorten the life of the road or promote potholes.
  • To stop water entering the pavement.

Crack sealing can considerably extend the life of a road, and involves pumping hot, compressed air into the road cracks to dry and clean the crevice, which is then filled with a line of rubberised bitumen. This dries in minutes and can be driven over almost immediately.

Surface rejuvenation

When is surface rejuvenation used?

  • Used when old asphalt surfaces need minimal attention
  • Can significantly extend the life of the original road
  • Parking bays, cul-de-sacs and local residential streets that already have an asphalt surface are ideal for this treatment.

Surface rejuvenation is a relatively new process that involves spraying a reinforced liquid product on the entire road surface without the use of heating. It is cost effective – approximately a third of the cost of asphalt overlay - and environmentally friendly.

Last Updated: 10 February 2023

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