Traffic management & road safety

Council works to balance traffic efficiency with road safety. Our traffic engineers assess road issues and traffic calming requests, review road safety, assess speed limits, process temporary road closure approvals, and upgrade bus stops and pedestrian crossings.

Council's Road Safety, Traffic and Transport Advisory Committee assesses transport and traffic issues and implements safety strategies.

Traffic calming

Traffic calming measures can be used to reduce problem issues on local and suburban streets. Changing the design of a road, however, does have limitations. In many cases where speed or hooning is the issue, the real problem is driver behaviour. This is best addressed through law enforcement, not changing the road design.

Not all streets are suitable for traffic calming and it is expensive to install. Traffic calming can also create additional noise, disrupt the flow of traffic, and may simply redirect the problem (speeding drivers) to nearby streets.

Council does set an amount in its yearly budget for traffic calming and the number of projects completed depends on available funding.

When Council receives a request for new traffic calming, it uses an objective method to assess and prioritise traffic calming requests by evaluating 10 key weighted criteria. These criteria include traffic volume, type and speed, the street's accident history (using Police records), road type, the level and nature of pedestrian activity, bus routes and road geometry.

If, after these assessments, the street is considered suitable, officers consider the best type of calming device, produce a detailed design and inform local residents. A submission is then made to Council to seek the necessary funding.

Road safety

Last Updated: 7 February 2022

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