Council's Waste Education Program provides services to help schools and community groups reduce and reuse their waste and recycle right. These include presentations for students, teachers and community groups, free Waste and Resource Recovery Facility tours (via the Rediscovery Centre) and free school recycling services.

Schools and early learning centres can play an important role in rethinking what we do with our waste by encouraging children to become instruments of change at kindy, school, at home and when they are out in the community.

Our Waste Education Officer engages with the community through a range of events, programs and partnerships to influence positive waste and recycling behaviours.

Free programs and services are provided to schools to better educate our younger generation in waste and recycling, which seeks to encourage them to make sustainable choices well into the future.

Waste education school resources are provided free of cost for schools in the Cairns region:
  • 240-litre wheelie bin recycling service
  • Waste and resource recovery tours of Council facilities
  • Waste and resource recovery presentations (in-school)
  • Waste education resources

Council offers free recycling services to all schools within the Cairns region. The allocation of recycling bins is based on the number of students per school and they are serviced during the school terms. If your school does not have recycling, please contact Customer Service on 1300 69 22 47 or email the waste services team,

National Recycling Week: 16 - 22 November 2024

During National Recycling Week Council is encouraging everyone to take a moment to consider what items need to stay out of waste bins and instead be placed in our yellow lid recycling bins, so these resources can stay in use for generations.

The 2023 theme is  'Lift the Right Lid and Keep Recycling out of Waste'.

Did you know that over 9,000 tonnes of perfectly good recycling ends up in our Waste Bins each year? Every time we place something recyclable in our waste bins its recycling journey stops in landfill, forever.

To help celebrate National Recycling Week, Council has launched a new education campaign where you can learn how to lift the right lid on recycling and keep these precious resources out of landfill.

Last Updated: 5 January 2024

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