Plan your meals, save time and money

Planning your meals and preparing a shopping list can save you time and money and greatly reduce food waste. It helps at the shops and it makes life a lot easier when you know what’s for dinner and you’ve got all the ingredients you need.

How you plan meals is up to you. You can start by planning for three dinners or every meal for the whole week.

Top 3 meal planning tips:

  • Think about what meals you’d like to cook for the week ahead and write down the ingredients for each recipe.
  • Check what ingredients can be used in more than one meal, such as mince in spaghetti bolognese one night and tacos another night.
  • When cooking meals like soups and stews, consider whether you can freeze the extra portions. That way you just need to reheat them for an easy meal another time.
  • Save the Food Smart pocket guide to seasonal fruits and vegetables so you know what's in season!

Information shared from Love Food Hate Waste NSW.

Last Updated: 9 August 2022

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