Mobi's Catchment Challenge

Mobi's Catchment challenge is also available to play through the App Store.

The Caring for Your Catchment Unit is divided into the following lessons:

Saltwater Creek Activity 1

Activity 1: Caring for Saltwater Creek

A small blue hut has recently appeared by the footbridge over Saltwater Creek. It’s a Gauging Station that receives live data from sensors in the creek and is helping Council monitor water quality in the catchment; which will ensure urban stormwater run-off doesn’t impact the health of the Great Barrier Reef. In this activity, join Mobi, a resident Saltwater Creek mudskipper, to explore what the sensors are monitoring and understand how human activity across the catchment can impact the health of the creek and the reef.

Activity 1

Saltwater Creek Activity 2

Activity 2: Clean the creek - and have some fun!

Litter is not only a major contributor to visual pollution of creeks and rivers but clogs waterways and causes toxicity as it breaks down and can cause harm to local wildlife. If you see litter, pick it up – and encourage others not to drop it. In this activity you need to be quick and help the Council worker fish out the litter coming down the creek before it’s washed out to the ocean; and then dispose of it correctly. Look out for illegal dumpers!

Activity 2

Saltwater Creek Activity 3

Activity 3: Your Lily Creek Catchment Management Plan

Lily Creek is a sub-catchment of Saltwater Creek. This activity is your opportunity to transform an area of land close to the creek and the city that will not only benefit the Cairns community but the Great Barrier Reef. But before you can submit your Lily Creek Catchment Management Plan for approval, you need to make all your stakeholders smile!

Activity 3

Last Updated: 22 December 2022

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